Now what.

” you up?”. I answered the phone didn’t I. ” I’m close so I’m stopping by”. click! Great, just great, trying work here, getting interrupted, tends to cause me to fall behind on things. Speaking of bugs, 2 damn nice day we’ve had and G’damn bugs come out

Pro-tip: if you cannot piss from the porch, the neighbors are to close, the bug didn’t see today. Anyways, this fella showed up, starts yacking straight away, “what’s ya workin on Chance?”. What’s it look like, it’s a Biblecover numbnutz.

“don’t you have any Army stickers?” NO ” what that say?” I have inscribed you into the palms of my hands. ” I Like it”

Numbnutz, why are you here? ” I need you to make a holster” lays this on the table

Ohh yes, Glock 43x, 10round mag with a starter round in the chamber ” how you know that?”.

I know stuff, where you buy it” I was down in Iron Mountain went to westmans”.

Tommy knows his stuff, brought honor to his father’s house, his mother has every right to be proud of Tommy. I like to red dot to. Then he says ” Thought I would put a down payment on the holster”, commences to dump on the table what Tommy didn’t take

only thing I could do was CUSSS, an CUSS I did

I’ll have post no sign, NO COFFEE CANS

I have things to do before I get to you, ” ohh that’s fine, let me know”

Here’s to you Tommy.

If ever down around that way, there’s a museum, nothing like a big city museum, worth your time to snoop around