Peace, it must be overrated

It’s snowing, it’s 12 degrees, and they haven’t plowed the roads yet. Not being the preachy type but, I don’t know if you know this so I’ll tell ya.

The church is made of wood & stone just like out here.

I like it out here.

sips coffee…

Headline said, Trump probably be arrested next week. No need to read farther. They been after him since he came down the escalator, something like 7 years ago. He’s the only calling for peace, so he needs to be arrested.

Blessed are the Peacemakers

read that someplace

Here’s something

” Forgive them father, for they not know what they do”

Me being me, who’s they I ask

How can you smile during times as this Chance some may ask,

sips coffee…I know stuff

Roman’s 16:20

To the evil-doer’s who walk among us, can you hear me now !!!

I would have liked to have a coffee with Martin Niemoller