Stay on the cement Freak!

Sips coffee looking at the lake, with an eye on the weather, suppose to snow the heavy stuff with high winds, the kind that bring trees down along with power lines. I was looking at this picture, the Battle of Tours came to mind

The Battle of Tours, it’s where the muslim army that marched up from Spain

as told by those who lived, Only God knows the number of the dead.

They finally met up with the right sort of Christian

Charles the HAMMER

This may be long in tooth, so have your coffee at the ready

Demoncrats are just fine with violence, murder and mayhem. Just look at all the crime in the cities, not a word spoken about it.

Inserts a bit of history

1995, Love is Love

2008, we want equality

2012, bake the fucking cake bigot

2016, say my pronouns or go to jail

2022, let kids watch drag shows & mutilate their bodies 2023 transgenderism or kill Christians

Listen-up Freaks

I’m not debating MY RIGHT to exist with you


Sometime ya just gotta smile

When she says, every gun law is an Infringement on the 2nd

am I right fellas, of course I am

you do with this as you see fit with your thinking

And as par for the course, Garland won’t investigate Tuesday’s slaughter of the innocent as a hate crime

As the wholedamn planet knows, i hate shipping costs, with that being said,

all I need now is the lower to complete my build

I’ll end this with a couple of comments

Ann Marie Michael

1 year agoMy husband is a veteran and just wants to be left alone. As he has said many times to me. “When the day comes we have to fight, we will fight to the death, no surrender, no comprise, we die together and take as many as we can with us” Then he smiles and says… “I know what they know, so it will be a good death ” Guess we’re going to see Jesus a bloody mess

As a veteran myself, Royal Danish Army, DANCON Iraq Team 8, MECHINF, JDR, i fully and completely agree with your husband.


7 months ago (edited)Also a veteran and I agree with your husband. I’m on several FB pages that are all veterans and that is the consensus. The consensus is also that the time is approaching rapidly