Well that put a damper on things

Did you know scientists invented a machine that turns stress into electricity?

See posted picture, that’s me

Sips coffee, looking at the lake

I couldn’t use “well fuck, that song ruined my mood” a song reminded me of what’s in cabinet over there, waves hand. Heard a young girl play a song, no fault to be layed at her feet.

Let’s say it this way

My home is a safe zone, firearms are welcome, coffee is on the boil, I’ll get first cup, after that, you’re on your own, I don’t drink, yet there is some beer to found in the icebox. If it’s a whiskey you’d like, there’s a bottle of Early times in the cabinet, never been opened, bought in 1987. My kitchen table is non judgmental, any friend or family who needs an ear is welcome. We can talk, laugh, cry, or I can just listen. If you be hungry, I’m not to shabby over a stove. Whatever it may be, it can found or worked out at the table.

I have a Marine buddy, known since the mid 70’s, we don’t see each other very much, he cannot forgive himself, and me, it’s like I’ve lost 2 friends. There was another buddy, he was Navy, loved his Early times. Told him, no, I won’t go buy the 9mm your woman sold, his last words to me were” fuck you man”. He went to my brother Marine, we were all good friends, he bought back. Next thing I hear, Bob blew his brains out down in Waterford, just North of Detroit. I seen the signs, my Brother did not.

I won’t, but I thought about a few times, Bob you sumbitch, if I ever go below bridge for any reason, I will make a detour to your grave, piss out the Early Times.

Of course I won’t do that, but want to, manners ya know

March 29, it’s a like sign post up ahead every year

She did real good with the song

Coffee tastes like crap, pour in the snow

When a Man says they’re fine, they are not fine

it’s an easy answer to give while fighting the demons inside