A fish story

See that picture, it’s commonly called, Combat fishing.

Some music while you learn stuff

We’re fishermen, not miracle workers. Need a folder to file to under

Wives don’t need to know everything, aka neither do moms right kid? right uncle.

I don’t want to talk about the snow, an inch an hour later today.

People who go smelting use what’s called dip nets

My uncles’ boots and red were having a few beers in my dad’s fish shack at the dock, discussing smelting. Speaking of beer, it’ll be an easy boycott of Bud, they traded in the horses for someone called.

 Dylan Mulvaney 

Boots mentioned he knows a guy who owns land where a mouth of a river flows, good friends with the fella across the river so there shouldn’t be a problem. Thing about smelt, you gotta eat a lot of them to be full, hence the reason for the term, all you can eat fish fry.

Something we never did was get so many smelt, to get rid of them, dump them in a garden, good for gardens, we never did that, we had some bars that would buy all we could bring them. Smelting season came around, off to the river we went, dad, his brothers, 2 boys, the other siblings weren’t born yet, dad was out fishing or trapping, hunting is also a possibility. They lit fires using old truck tires, heavy black smoke on both sides of the river with lawn chairs and coolers of beer. I watched them string up a pully system across the rapids. ” You first, dad tyed a rope around me, got a bucket in one hand net in the other, boots started pulling me in from the side. That water was cold and fast. Bucket is full! boots pulled me out on the other side, my brother was already tyed up and getting pulled in. Back an forth we went into the river while dad and my uncles were drinking beer. I may have been 7/8 years of age.

At 7/8 years of age, one don’t about mother’s milk

PBR?, thanks Uncle, standing by the black smokie fire.

Words that stick

“Never get off the boat”