Behind the glass

Here’s a little something most of us or maybe all of us have in common, pictures under coffee table glass or maybe end tables. With having 11 brothers and only one other sister, you know straight away, who the spoilage was spent on. Sipping coffee looking at the lake, ” hand-me-downs” would have worked as well. A phrase used a lot these days.

“Social media influencers”

Uncle Earl, my mother’s side, he was an influencer.

Think of Uncle Earl in these terms

Tell me, I’ll forget

show me, I may remember

include me, I’ll understand

I was over at Uncle Earls place, maybe 14 years of age

” uncle, ma says you’re crazy, you crazy?”. I don’t think I’m crazy, grab that 1/2 box-end for me, want a beer, hand me a beer, “ahh thanks uncle”. Learning fuel mixture, tire pressure, stuff like that, Uncle Earl always had the time, and took the time to explain things.

in my 30’s, I had pulled in the drive sitting on a hardtail, bob and another was with me. She came out of the house ” for Christ’s sakes, you are all crazy!, this all Earl’s fault, I told your dad not let go over there, yelling at me while those two are laughing.

Uncle Earl, would race on dirt or ice, he didn’t care, I helped a couple of times putting roofing nails in the tires, for grip on the ice.

Influencers, yeah… there’s a few under the glass.

I knew them all