
Knew a fella, everyone just called him Bells, his last took to long to say, so Bells it was, he answered to it, so everything was good. Was over at bell’s place on a Good Friday checking out his new dog, Ghostie, white shepard pup someone threw him out of a car/truck, just a lil pup, broken leg. Bells had taken him to a vet the day before, got Ghostie fixed up. Maybe he was 4 months old. Something Bells talked, never seen until that day. Not far from his house was a church, parking lot full. Mass let out 11:30. Across the street, down maybe two blocks was a bar. standing there with Bells and holding Ghostie, ” chance, watch this”. Church parking lot emptied out, the bar parking lot filled up. Then said, Sundays are just like that, I call them the Holy Rollers”.

It’s a good name for them Bells.

Pull into Bell’s place, you’ll see the Virgin Mary

Bell’s is gone now, so is Ghostie

Never knew Bells to hunt or even own a firearm, this would remind of Bells

And this too