Déjà vu

Back in early October, the leaves were down, I remember there was a slight breeze with snow falling. Every year, twice a year I get a re-occurring thought with the proper face expression.


will 11 full cord be enough

April 30th

No leaves, slight breeze and it’s snowing

God, you know I don’t ask much, I’m asking now

looking at my woodpile, some climate change would be nice


Now that the Sunday prayer has been given, yet staying on the same topic, kinda sorta & somewhat. I’ll be asking her if we have any shirttail relations in Kantucky or the Tennessee area that are like, well you know, Moonshiners. Moonshiners know stuff and have the proper tools/ equipment, changing up the product from moonshine to gasoline might be tricky, but those guys could do it.

Those boys would probably think they are re-living history if the feds found out,

you know, like George Washington and the Whiskey Rebellion.

Damn it, it’s snowing harder.

I don’t know if you this, so I’ll tell ya, the internet is like the modern day Olongapo river, what one really only needs to know about the Olongapo river is this, if you can think of it, it can be found in that river.

it’s nickname is shyt-river

I was researching how to make gasoline, I’m here to ya, there’s a clear difference between going BOOM! and making boom boom.

 Weather plays a big part of life in these woods, a it’s a small matter really.

I have a roof, clothes on my back, some dirty dishes I’ll get too soon enough

a sure sign I got to eat today

a view one won’t see in any of the media
