Journal entry: so there I was

Sipping a coffee, looking at my lake, not my fault, it’s they who lit my fuse.

The weather wizzards saying it’s raining.

I took my boots off, believe you me

I know what snow looks like

don’t piss on my leg then say it’s raining

I suppose if did these updates inside, people wouldn’t have to cipher through my spelling and grammar errors, I like it outside. With a slight breeze and snowing while doing updates, try it sometime, see how your spelling and grammar turns out. So I’m looking lady, it’s pretty obvious, she has some interest in stuff as I. Maybe I could push her buttons, you know peek her interest by saying something like, ya know, someone born 33 would have been 45 in 78. That’ll get her attention.

Inserts a mental note: How many suits does a fella really need, 3.

One for dating, one for good times and one for sad times, any extras, that’s wasting money, money you could have used to buy more ammo. Depending on tone and body language (sips coffee), knowing full that Men and Women think different, asking her if she ever been in a skinning shack,

it would be dicey at best, which is far far below any triple-dog-dare.


well, I have a beaver I want to put on the board, I can show you a few things.

It’s always the Woman’s choice

Never take which is not yours or is freely given, I’ll explain.

Man’s task is to make safe the path for Woman to walk without fear

Woman’s burden

To bind Man’s heart with his spirit

a demonstration is needed for which I speak.

I hear her now, ” don’t kill him!, Don’t kill him!”

I’m not going to kill him, just sticking in his face, which I consider wrong

Look at what the left is doing, they are attempting to make Women a non-entity.

Not on my watch

For without Woman

there is no Life

Some Rob Roy lingo

” All Men are kings, but not all kings are men, you must never mistreat a woman or standby and watch another do so”

The more you look, the more you see

Afghanistan has Lithium mines, China has deals with mr. taliban, mr taliban has stated, girls/Women will no longer attend school, to the mines they’ll go.