Let’s take a ride

See that, only one way to view it, when Death comes around repeat after me

get some get some

Don’t let the weather wizzards bullshyt ya and tell you that’s just a heavy frost, believe you me, I know what snow looks like. It’s warmed up to 31 degrees, least it feels like it’s warmer out here. People may tell you, I always wear a Clint squint, of course they never stop to think what may be the reason

If you don’t have a slight breeze, just look at society, you to will be wearing the Clint squint no time. I’ll start you off with this:

Opinion by Russ Baker • Yesterday 1:04 PM

“Let’s face it: Many armed Americans are deathly — and irrationally — afraid of others. And so they have become a menace to the rest of us.”

It’s clear as day ole russ doesn’t read news, because if he did, he’d notice straight away, he’s not seeing reason for gun control, he’d be learning plenty of reasons for staying strapped. Enough of that.

Told her, we’re a taking ride today, going to see a friend of mine, he’s got a machine that may fit in the workshop just fine. She was all kinds of happy to get out of the house, picked her up, in the truck went, strapped in. I put in some SRV, ” ohh I like that”. My friend was on the phone, kinda busy in here, daughter working the counter, let’s sit over here for minute, sitting there, some guy comes in, puts a flyer on the window, all I said was, Red Cross needing bloo

, that did, it set her off.

I’m telling ya, I cannot her anywhere, she’ll tells it straight with no B.S. My friend comes over, hi Jarhead, handshake, propellerhead, how you doing, ” you shouldn’t call your friend names”

didn’t you hear what he called me, she acted like I didn’t say anything. He waved to one of his worker bees, sit and keep on his mother, we’re going downstairs. I looked him while unzipping my jacket, the right side pulled back a little farther then the left, ” don’t loose her, I know where you work:.

Jarhead , lets go.

I told him, if I buy it, and I have move it because you won’t deliver, it’ll drop the price, his attempt at wearing a Clint squint was a decent effort.

He does know his stuff:

Ever done homework and have your mother look it over, standard practice I suppose, nothing standard about mine, instead of marking which problem was wrong, she’d stab it with the pencil, ” fix it” “fix it”. Hand the paper back to ya.

That machine is not China junk


my friend was more BADASS than you could ever achieve in your miserable life.