From Upper Earth & lower earth (reference the bridge) A pinked footed goose landed down by traverse city , it’s a really big deal for bird watchers, them shit factories are found in Europe not here. Here we think different, if it grows, flies, swims, runs or walks (sometimes slithers), it can be eaten, no time for gawking. Speaking of eating, I was looking at a map concerning bug-out situations.

They looked at a lot of different factors in deciding which states would be best, Seems like Florida and Texas are tops with Oregon right up there. With everyone bugging out to those states, it will require much food to sustain the influx. We didn’t the list, One factor was snow & cold climate. We view those things as a natural barrier to riff raff. Outside with a coffee, there’s no frost on the pumpkins, I do need to warm up this coffee because of the perkies I have. Look at this until I return.

Ever have the problem on what to wear for the day? Some of us have a similar problem as in this example

which brings us to another item to ponder, which is the most hateful bunch, thinking it’s espouses, male or female or chickswithdicks these days.

Whitmer also signed Senate Bill 79 requiring gun owners to store their firearms in a locked container or use a locking device if they have a child in the house or take their gun somewhere a child could gain access to it. Senate Bill 80 signed by Whitmer updates the state’s criminal code with the penalties for those who fail to safely store their firearms.
If a child injures themselves or someone else with an unlocked firearm, the gun owner would be guilty of a felony punishable up to five years’ imprisonment and/or a $5,000 fine. If the minor kills themselves or someone else, the individual who failed to secure or lock their firearm would be guilty punishable up to 15 years’ imprisonment and/or a $10,000 fine
I’d bet good money, everyone of them have no problem with abortion on demand.
I was talking with a mom at the gas station, she seen my cover, wants a couple of items for her Sons, said her youngest want to join the Marines, told her, you have him come to me. A little something for the mom will be waiting at the gas stion for her. A small token of appreciation

We need a new category…