Where are my manners
with a coffee, a cool morning temperature, I want to thank everyone for thier kindness concerning mother.
It’s a path I don’t mine walking with her.

Was being to quiet for her liking, she asked you ok? Yeah, I’m ok.
When you ask Vet if he’s “ok”, he responds with, ” yeah I’m ok”, he’s not ok. it’s an easy response for concerns weighing heavy.

That fundamental change to America, it happened long before the USURPER spoke of it
Good thing my Uncle Earl isn’t here, he’d be say saying something like
” how much stupid can Harley Davidson fit in saddlebags”.
Budweiser and Harley-Davidson are coming together for the first time in their histories to provide fans with a limited-edition can.
This launches coincides with Harley-Davidson’s 120th anniversary. The cans feature both Budweiser and Harley-Davidson logos.
Being closer to the Armydog
I can rattle his cage more, first words outta his sewer
” ohh look wifey, the Marching Band member” he was outside tinkering on the garden tiller
Dog, wanna see the Chosen one? ” what is it with you and doo dads”
Dog, you have a yard full of thig-a-ma-jigs

I prefer doo- dads
Keep a smile on, it confuses them