Alexander Vindman Tries and Fails in War of Words With Elon Musk on COVID Mandates

Britta Pedersen/Pool via AP

 Nick Arama | RedState

We reported previously on this powerful video montage posted by Grabien’s Tom Elliott of a slew of the media and politicians demonizing the unvaccinated.

As my colleague Bob Hoge explained, they attacked Americans who were unvaccinated as “lunatics” who are “not to be trusted,” who are “killing people,” and who should be denied hospital beds. Chief among them was Joe Biden. “We’ve been patient,” he said, “but our patience is running thin.”

That sure as heck sounds like an outright threat that he will use the full force of the government of the United States government against anyone who dares defy his will. “This is not about freedom or personal choice,” he added. Yes, it was about exactly those two things, Joe.

“Screw your freedom,” said actor and alleged Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in a staggering display of anti-American rhetoric.

This was a great line and so on target from Hoge, “The viciousness and self-righteousness displayed by so many ‘leaders’ during the pandemic will go down as one of the darker periods in American history.” Indeed, and they were wrong about so much while trying to impose their will on everyone. COVID let loose a darkness that I think many didn’t think we had within our country, with the incredible authoritarian effort to control everything. Yet, it was just the opening salvo in a battle for control that continues.

But this wasn’t only the demonizing of Americans; it cost many of the unvaccinated their jobs if they didn’t comply with mandates. Biden pushed policies requiring millions of federal employees and federal contractors to be fully vaccinated. According to the AP, at one point, mandates proposed by Biden would have covered more than 100 million people. He even wanted to impose it on large private companies with over 100 employees, requiring vaccination or regular testing, but that got stopped in the courts.

Twitter owner Elon Musk wasn’t shy about pointing this out in response to the video. His response has now more than 52 million views.

“Until the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s vaccination decree, he tried to demand that we fire all unvaccinated personnel – some of our finest people,” Musk said. Biden’s mandates certainly did cause the firing of many people who would not comply. Not to mention that you could get banned on Twitter for saying the “wrong thing” about COVID. How much has changed, since Musk took over, and how that has helped to bring more truth back into the public square. But we should not forget how many people this authoritarian regime hurt with these moves.

And guess who thought he could take on Musk? Alexander Vindman, who seemed to be begging for a Twitter Community Note. He seems to think we’ve all forgotten about the mandates.

“Liar, Conspiracist. Conspirator,” Vindman ranted. None of those terms apply to Musk’s remarks, and I’m not sure who he thinks Musk is supposed to be “conspiring” with. But it’s truly funny. He can’t dispute that people were fired as a result of the Biden mandates, as many people pointed out to him. But hey, why let that truth stand in the way of his remarks, right? He doesn’t seem to give a darn about all the Americans who lost their jobs because of the mandates. It doesn’t fit the liberal narrative. I think it’s fair to say that Vindman got ratioed into next week by the number of folks telling him how wrong he was. Some were kinder than others; some called labels he was throwing at Musk “projection.”

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