I got some magic workin here

Not sure if it’s a ruskie satellite or a CHI-COM spy balloon, this I know for sure, the phones are working. That phone has always been in dad’s workshop located in the basement. Fellas ever notice how the ladies decorate the home, if the guy is lucky, they get like one wall to put stuff, the woman claims all other walls to hang stuff, it’s the natural order of things I suppose, knowing my dad, his workshop would have been located just off the kitchen, you know, where all the food was. She had him in the basement with all his guy stuff not fit to hang on the walls.

Had a nurse ask me why mother and myself were wearing sunglasses, Told her in no uncertain terms, I got feelz to yaknow, I may not look it but I do. I’m seeing stuff son’s shouldn’t see of thier mothers. I’ll explain. This here is a rutabaga

Those things are like a step above from eating the dirt they are growed in. Someone brought her some pasties containing the deadly rutabaga. Ask any Marine you know about the gas chamber for reference. The day after was rough, I’m talking rough, as a kid I was told Women don’t fart, they “fluffy” kinda like the left cheek lift without being noticed. Total blowout, with some putrid fumes even Marines wouldn’t forget…. ever. I did mention sunglasses right, no else around to put the house back in order, ” alright, I got 2 shoulders, I’ll do it”. Looking for a positive in a “embrace the suck” situation, two days prior I told her, you best figure out something, because if you don’t, they gonna bring things and do things to you, you ain’t gonna like. ” like what?”. insert suppositories in your butt. ” LIKE HELL THEY WILL”. you got a similar problem, try the rutabaga pastie. Since I believe in choices besides the rutabaga, a couple of recipes you may like:

Rule 1:

if it fits, it smokes

Smoke on the water

fires burning in the Canada

With the BITCHMER signing red flag laws, I should call her up as in this example: listen up bitchmer, I got a blind and deaf woman who probably could shoot your eye out, maybe you should take the toys, you know, just to be safe, right

Was about 8/9 years of age, shot a snowshoe rabbit, draped over my shoulder, the head was dragging on the ground, still think it was biggest rabbit i got ever. Dad was watching while I removed the hair and cleaning it, ” stop, I want you to throw it all in the bucket and go bury it good”. was a growth about the size of a hardball in it’s belly.

some 410/.22 over/unders and other .22’s , my brothers would use this

I never did after that rabbit, felt bad about taking it’s life

still do

with a step above dial-up, I see our ” betters” are nothing but clowns