It’s just one of those things

I know it’s Sunday, not being a preacher type, paraphrasing another who swears, shouldn’t be held against me. Lord knows I cuss enough myself, I shouldn’t be responsible for another’s cussing, besides, I learnt it from her.

So there I was, thumbing through a book I read before when I heard

” It’s timewe do the G’damn bills”

I told her, wouldn’t you rather have me buy a scooter from the scooter store and take you outside let you cruise around in the sunshine and warm breeze? ” How the hell would I drive that, I’m blind G’damnit”. I know, but I could have you attached to some sort of leash. ” Get me to G’damn table and stop talking nonsense”. After I have finished doing her bills she says. ” G’damn bills, everything keeps going up, reach in that cabinet there and get me my wine:. Wine?, ” I always have a glass of wine after the damn bills, calms me down”. All that medication you are on, maybe you should skip the wine, ” I skipping nothing, now get me the damn wine”.

” I’m a 100 years old with a G’damn broken back, that right there is enough for anyone to drink wine” Ok Ok, here’s your wine. As clear as the sky she starts talking about when grampa (her side came home from the neighbors down the road some. ” He was drunk as a skunk, Gramma sent him over there know the new people. These new people were from the south, and the next day when he woke he told gramma they been invited to supper next Saturday. They went over there, was served braised rabbit and whiskey and nothing else, no veggies, potatoes, nothing. I never liked whiskey after that”

How old were you I was 9 years old”.

Did you get drunk? I don’t know, my mother carried me home cause I feel asleep”. Wine and medication musta kicked in ” get me back to that G’damn bed I’m tired” I’ll be outside doin some cleaning, push the button if you need something. I have a door bell she can reach with the ringer always in my pocket. Kinda like some sort of Mr. French. Something I made her years ago at VA hobbyshop

Some rules I ran across

1. Don’t wish me a Happy Memorial Day! There is nothing happy about brave men and women dying.

2. It’s not a holiday. It’s a remembrance.

3. If you want to know the true meaning, visit Arlington or your local VA or Veteran’s Cemetery.

4. Don’t talk to me about how great any one political power is. Talk to me about Chesty Puller, George Patton, Dakota Meyer, Chris Kyle, Audie Murphy, Robert Maurice Ware, the Sullivan brothers and any other numerous heroes. Attend a Bell Ceremony, Roll Call, or any other type and shed some tears.

5. Don’t tell me I don’t know what I am talking about. I have carried the burden all too many times for Warriors who now stand their post with God.

6. Remember the Fallen for all the Good they did while here.

7. Reach out and let a Vet know you’re there. We’re losing too many in “peace.”

One more thing, as a Veteran, you come together, and you have that BBQ. But before you eat, circle up and say a prayer. Raise that glass to your Brothers and Sisters that are gone. don’t say a word. After that, eat and enjoy each other’s company.