Journal entry: I’m not dead or AWOL

Just a quick update, she broke her back, a compression break, and blew out her knee, doc said I cannot administer morphine at home, so narco it is. She walked out of ER with a broken back totally pissed off to the max. They cannot hold for she’s of sound mind. There’s no signal there, as she said ( no matter what I said, like ma, yes the computer can be bad, yet there are good people even there standing up). Don’t matter, I don’t whatever brings that into the house, I don’t want it here. ” Ok ma”, Nothing been setup as yet for home health, thinking the medical field is afraid of her, it’s ok to laugh, I think it’s true. Nothing fancy here, told her I wanna show some guys and ladies this, “Ok you do that, what is it?”. she touched it, knew when and where she got it.

” Make sure you plug it in”, I’m on it ma.

That saying, ” Before the Marine Corps, there was mom” yaknow, that’s true to, a little something again we all have in common.

She cannot see it, yet she said ” hearing it is better nothing”

Took me a week, to convince we need a hospital bed in the living room, ” there’s no room for that, What! people come visit they be needing a place sit.”. m, there’s plenty of room for them. Only reason I’m showing you this, is because I had a Clint Eastwood movie playing, she likes him, probably her teevee husband, you know know women can be. Was Dirty Harry. as they say at Thunder ranch, pistols put holes into you, long barrels put holes through you.

44.mag lever action, thought about scoping it for while, naaa, works just as it is

Got my long range goggles out, it’s all good ma, they are Friendlies

Back when I can

stay frosty