Smoke and mirrors

It’s dry, real dry, 20 feet of snow now a very dry spring/early summer. Sent from a cousin in the Naubinway, a view of lower earth.

Smoke around

I have a few thoughts, I’ll keep to myself so that way you to can have a few thoughts of your own

Pedojoescumbag’s pick to lead the Marine Corps is raising concern about whether his appointment will continue what they see as an ongoing effort to strip the military branch of its internal and external might and prowess.

(insert thought)

Gen. Eric Smith, now the assistant commandant for the Marines, was nominated last week by the White House to be the next Marine Corps commandant.

The current commandant is Gen. David Berger, who is finishing his four-year term and preparing for retirement.

Berger and Smith worked together on transforming the Marine Corps to be more high-tech, which has included giving all 400-plus of its tanks to the Army.

Under Berger, the Marine Corps got rid of “21% of the personnel in infantry battalions, 100% of the tanks, 67% of the cannon artillery batteries, 33% of the assault amphibious companies, nearly 30% of Marine aviation, and almost all assault breaching equipment,

It is competitive rather than complementary with the Navy and Air Force, and it is a scandalous misallocation of Marine resources. Inserting by sea three or four small Marine units, with no support, on atolls in the South China Sea invites capture and defeat.

Proper thinking

Smile on…