Is not better to be a Warrior in a garden than a gardener in war?
Veteran of the Somme.
R.R Tolkien checking out the flowers

that creature could have written about by Robert E. Howard

How much have things changed?
The ruskies have more balls than the amerikan media
There’s a poll out there, if one still believes in them, 70% of Americans believe in 2 genders, 30% believe otherwise. When the insanity reaches 50% it’s gonna get fun for everyone, by then it won’t matter what one believes.

By then, the only right one will have, is the right to fight to stay alive

I see companies are painting the asspounding symbol on the doors and windows so they will be left alone by the pedomob, don’t matter, they’ll only be looted by blm.
Pick a name, any name, the Fourth Reich came to mind,

They hate you, never forget that