Burning daylight

” how’s it look?”.

Looks pretty good

“took you long enough”

yeah well that how’s she goes sometimes

House insurance wanted 500 clams deductible, listen-up Mike, she pays you once a year for insurance, I”ll build myself, click! For FFS, who’s this pulling in, great, just great, it’s the plant eater, she’s in there cousin, I’ll show ya.

Where’s your hubby? ” He took kids out on the lake fishing”

Well for a Armydog, he knows my lake isn’t his puddle known as lake michigan, he should be ok.. They came up from the garden peninsula, down the road some.

Inserts a few obersavation: Is it just me, or you other Marines seem to surrounded by Army, with a sprinkling of Navy with the Air Force making appearance, you know, just let to let you they’re around. The Coasties, well the Coasties doin what they do, coasting. And another thing, I haven’t heard another Man’s voice going on 2 weeks, that ain’t right man, cousin’s jaw still active in there.

See this, I ain’t got no time for this crap

To busy hearing

” what you doing done, you’re not making more holes in the basement are you?”.

NO! Deep in the bowels of the artifacts, I found myself talking to myself, only male around here.

Come’on, come’on you can do it

Alrighty then… took her minute to rid herself of the dust on her cogs & gears.

Aye Captain

she got her 2nd wind, purring like a kitten she is very quiet, unlike that cousin of mine upstairs. I go back up, they both talking on different phones while talkin to each other, what the hell. Henhouse just went critical, cousin turned on ma’s speaker phone while she got hers on, 4 talkin all at once.

Offered my cousin a shot, she doesn’t drink (rats)

I found a solution to the noise pollution

Hey cousin, come in the kitchen, check these beauties out

70/30 Buffalo and pork, smoked bologna 🙂

She bolted like Ratdog did the other day with a retching sound

I can understand your thinking

if this is how he treats family & friends, hate to be his enemy

got that right mister

There’s good and bad in every profession

I have damn fine nurses helpin out, catterboxes of the finest sort

This week in health, no mention of my mental health