my methods are not unsound, just different

During WW1, the Germans bestowed a title on Marines, Devil-Dog, aka Dogs from hell, the ferocity the Marines demonstrated is something that’s been handed down, many things change, the attitude of Marines DON”T.

Using that same ferocity can be applied to saving lives

I’ll explain Having a 100 year old heart, plus months, one gotta make sure it’s pumping properly, one sure way is to get her riled up, not much, just enough no use over doing it, that can also cause undo wanted reactions, such as death, which is the main item I’m trying to avoid. We all have a time, I’m making today is not her time all.

Alrighty then! I been waiting for my periodicals to catch up with me

” what you get in the mail?”

PORN! Porn of the best kind! ” Get that G’damn smut out of this house right now!” No way ma, lots of pictures and good reading, packed right tight with information

She’s fired up

mission accomplished 🙂