No bones about it

Looks rather fancy for my purposes, some sewer pipe PVC with caps will work just fine. when the archeologists finds it, there will be no speculation or conjecture when it comes to just wear the bear does it’s business in the woods. Didn’t know if you knew this so I’ll tell ya, there’s a song for current events

“God damn, God damn the pusherman” could also fit

Told her, she’s beginning to look like a witch, I can fix that, after a bit of back and forth, she allowed me to color her hair

after I was done she asked me how’s it look, looks pretty good, thought about telling her the gloves looked like I’ve flinging dog shit at the neighbors, on 2nd thought I didn’t

Fellas, this remind you of you, did me of me

I own shovels, chances are you do to

about that time capsule, stories about long ago, not written on walls or rocks, stories on USB drives,, maybe by then they collected all the crystal skulls and fire up the drives. Quartz crystal is a rather good conductor

The guy laughing, he’s a neighbor down a few houses, came over to bitch about the smoke or inquire what’s in the smoker, told him, some buffalo steaks, it’s easy for her to get down and digest. Told him, did you know there’s no money in healthy people or dead people… there is money in the middle.