Road trip

Had a nurse come in here sometime back, ” what’s up with the sunglasses”? both ma & myself were wearing them, told her, I’m seeing stuff I shouldn’t be seeing, the sunnies help, not sure how but they help. ” Why she wearing them, she’s blind”. Blind people wear sunnies so there’s that. Took her Armydog’s place, wearing sunglasses and a beret, ” how my fringe look?”.

You fringe is just fine

Ever in a room full of people and the dog picks one to lay by, it’s a sure signal where you are on the totem pole, that dog never moved once she sat down.

His daughter was up visiting, ” Chance, tell her sometime worthwhile and she might date you” Not sure I got time for sucking face and swapping spit dog but ok. Listen up daughter of Dog, under no circumstances do not soak a bag of flour in diesel fuel then let it dry overnight. or a day or two, then stick a firecracker in it. It’s kinda like C-4, and that’s super duper very dangerous stuff.

Before mother could say it, Dog said it. ” Chance, go outside” so I’m sitting outside looking around

Spotted something I ain’t seen before, seen stickers and decals and patches, I best go in tell dog there’s something on his flagpole

” don’t talk to my daughter and your mother is ready to go”

stopped the gas station I was only in maybe 2 minutes, with teh truck in clear view, I go back out there, hackles up, ” what the hell you doing by my truck?”, she looked thristy so I gave her a beer

You said a beer, not a stable sample of horse piss ffs

You were right son, this ain’t no beer

Asked if she ever heard Cab on the radio, ” ohh sure, heard on the radio we have in the basement the floor model, the one you got new tubes for, why you ask?’.

Her foot was tapping to the music

Cab Callaway was in his 70’s still doing his magic

Not everyone gets to be old…