Sound of Freedom

From Fox News….

Human-trafficking film ‘Sound of Freedom’ trashed by liberal outlets as ‘QAnon-adjacent’

Website Jezebel claimed, ‘At last, QAnon’s camp appeal gets the cinematic exploration it demands’

Multiple liberal outlets have trashed the new film “Sound of Freedom” as “QAnon-adjacent” and “fit for QAnon” in recent days, descriptions that relegate the film about human trafficking to fodder for conspiracy theorists.

Both U.K. publication The Guardian and website Jezebel claimed that the film starring Jim Caviezel, which was based on the true story of a U.S. Homeland Security agent rescuing two young children from human traffickers in South America, was attached to QAnon, a right-wing community that has been accused of buying into fringe conspiracy theories.

Although the film, produced by Angel Studios and released over the July 4 holiday, never engages in such conspiracy theories while exposing the underbelly of the real underground sex slave trade, both outlets linked the film to fringe right-wing extremists in an attempt to discredit it and its box-office success.

From RedState

‘Sound of Freedom’ Sends a Rolling Stone Writer Into Fits of Rage

I haven’t even seen Sound of Freedom yet, but I’m already convinced I need to based on the absolute hysteria emanating from the left.

As I reported yesterday, The Guardian set off the parade of stupidity by tying the movie, which is based on a true story, to QAnon. Does the movie mention QAnon, Hillary Clinton, Pizzagate, or anything of the sort? Not even a little bit. Rather, it’s just a story about saving a girl from human traffickers in South America.

Admittedly, I severely underestimated how triggering that would be for some people, and now a reviewer from Rolling Stone is having a “hold my beer” moment.

We’ll start with his actual article, but the continuation of his freakout happens elsewhere.

From The Gateway Pundit…

Video Resurfaces of Tim Ballard Meeting Up With President Trump At White House to Discuss Child Trafficking At Southern Border

A video of Tim Ballard, the founder of the anti-sex trafficking non-profit Operation Underground Railroad, meeting up with President Trump has gone viral in recent days.

The video from 2019 has resurfaced just days after Sound of Freedom  hit number one in the box office.

Sound of Freedom is based on the true story on how former DHS special agent Tim Ballard left his job in order to rescue children from being sex-trafficked around the world.

In the new resurfaced video of Ballard meeting up with Trump, Ballard discusses how children are being trafficked along the Southern Border.

Ballard told Trump “They brought this little girl through a part of the Southern Border where there was no wall. Easily got her to New York City and this is hard to hear but this is the truth.”

Ballard continued “This little girl was raped for money everyday 30 to 40 times a day.”

While many people in D.C. have dismissed Ballard and his effort to put an end to child trafficking, Trump listened intently to what the O.U.R. founder had to share.



From the Twitterverse…

Opinion only: Way back in 2017, I traced the profiteering of an infant trafficked from birth to an illegal alien mother arriving in Arizona, taken in by the church, at the behest of Child Services. Who was then taken away from the mother after birth and sent to a US Embassy in Europe (Poland IIRK). These were the costs in the renaming of Baby Jane Doe for adoption – coordination calls ($100) tickets & rental car ($450) Child Services Agency ($10,000) Baby travel kit ($500) dossier ($3,000) second dossier ($2,000) home study ($2,000) police ($50) notary ($175) Embassy ($1,200) paper work/document copies ($240) Second Embassy ($1,400) translator ($400) doctor ($200) passport/visa ($800) Warsaw accommodation ($1,000) cab ($800) Adoptive party of celebration ($500) sale price $10,000 plus above expenses. This may have been a happy ending for this child and yet, God’s children are not for sale? Please don’t “try” to tell me human trafficking is not real.