Working with what ya got available

I figured if I got out the contact cement, it help me forget about Earnest Tubb. ” what is that G’damn smell?”. It’s the cheap stuff, I don’t have Barge’s here. ” take it outside”. Outside, you probably know yourself what’s out there, neighbors are out there. I wasn’t out 10 minutes ” what ya working on the Navy blurts out, doin something in his flowerbed. Working on a knife sheath I yelled

while escaping from Earnest Tubb. It’s then I got an idea, before I could share it he comes says ” have you noticed anything about the neighborhood?”. NO, I don’t live here. ” ever since you raised that flag, people drive faster by my house which is right after your moms”, yea so, whatever their problem is, is not my problem. ” You know you smoked out the neighborhood the other day”. no I didn’t know, ” yea it was thick as fog”. can I ask you something ” sure” you have internet? ” of course” how bout I give you some cash on a monthly basis while I’m here. ” ohh I don’t know about that” I could see he was thinking wifey might hurt him something. Then he says” what you needing those 2 grills for next to the smoker”. I use them for grilling. ” how you get so much smoke, I never get that much smoke”. Trade secret. ” ” I’ll make a deal with you”, yeah? “what you smoking or griling next”, maybe on Tuesday, chicken, she can get that down rather good. ” if I get a chicken and you smoke it, I’ll give you the password”, for a chicken?, sure! ” no, whenever you smoke or grill you gotta do for me to as long as you are here”. Clint squint……. ” man you must really like Earnest Tubb”. CLINT SQUINT. Deal.

” So what you making tonight”?.

Liver & onions

” Thanks but no thanks”

I didn’t offer you any

” how’s she doing?”

Earnest Tubb and wine, she’s doin ok, me on the other hand, well I noticed you didn’t ask what condition my condition is in.

He walked back to his flowerbed.

I got the password

He left me feeling like Bear

Requiescat in pace
Michael Clark Ducan

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh relief