Family matters

It’s sorta somewhat as that, when your friends are cool, and well… you are just you

Parenting done right

Have some people wanting a couple of wallets, the woman said ” I think he likes fishing more than me” how long you been married? ” 18 years” ahh you be fine

. So what’s he do to bug you? swats my butt every time I walk by him”.

ohh ok

On the other one

” if you have no reason to be upset, smile -Shelly”

Isn’t you son named Sheldon, ” yea his nephew from the time he could talk always called him uncle shelly. Once the little boy out of the blue said that to Sheldon. That’s pretty cool stuff Mary.

Was thinking back mother seen all five of her sons together, late 60s/ early 70’s.

Was much like this

handing us all a beer and never stopped talking, and smiling the whole time

We didn’t get soju and a beer mix

she handed each of a