From sunup to sundown, SOP

Yaknow, well maybe ya don’t so I’ll tell ya, been told many times, you shouldn’t do that, yeah well I’m still here so there’s that. This is one of those situations. Ma!, when was the last time I made you some rabbit pie?

“If that’s the buck is out there, leave it alone”.

Ma, it’s not the buck, it’s one from the fruits of its loins.

“yeah well you just never mind about that rabbit get my breakfast.”

Stuff I shouldn’t share

what’s Christapher gonna do, send his fbi goon squad and murder another Vet.

Nothing wrong with her appetite

never ending stories

Her appetite is just fine, it’s her G’damn Attitude Ma, use the walker

“I’m not using that G’damn walker, walkers are for old people”

Ma, you are old “yeah well that’s besides the point” what’s the point ma?

Point is I’m not using that G’damn walker”

“Now turn on some music and go outside, go clean your smoker or something, and that G’damn rabbit alone”.

Frustration, I keep it contained, her short term goal is to make her Birthday

November 10th