It’s been 7 days, where is it

Told her I was making her a bacon treat of sorts, she’s running out of patience..

A pro-tip:

if you know anyone who microwaves bacon, those people should never be trusted with food.

” what did you do to my scallop potato recipe?”.

I enhanced it

” Did you put my pan in there?”. Umm not at first, but then Rule#1 kicked in, so ya I did

Pro-top #2: For those who may not know, that cling wrap crap, regardless of brand, don’t waste your money, this no time to be wasting anything. Got a butchershop you go to, here’s what ya do, go ask if they have small plastic wrap rolls to small to work thier wrap machines, they throw them out when the roll gets about an inch from the core. ” How many you want” will be more than likely the answer. Had that roll since January 2021 or so. So don’t waste your money, and don’t be afraid to ask.

Needed a pork belly , I was in luck, prok was on sale,

Cure your bacon, no less than 7 days, an extra day or 2 won’t hurt it, rinse soak a few minutes, then rinse again you know, just to be sure. No one like salty bacon, pat with paper towels and hang again for few hours to get the pellica, tacky feel on the bacon, then into the smoker. smoke at 150/60 intil the internal temp gets 160, you’re not cooking it, you’re smoking it.

Music, don’t forget the music