It’s Starting To Get Good. . .

There is a bunch of news today involving the first crackhead err son Hunter Biden. None of it good for the drug addled man-child. Merrick Garland has finally given Special Counsel status to David Weiss, the Delaware US attorney who has been conducting the investigations into Hunter.

Weiss remaining on the case could be considered controversial with all the allegations of corruption that have surrounded his office and the DoJ. The sweetheart plea deal that broke DoJ protocol originally given to Hunter Biden before a judge asked enough questions to expose it, led to lawyers from both sides leaving empty-handed. Because of that, there’s not going to be much faith by many Americans in Weiss going forward that he will handle the case in an unbiased manner.

Still, there is reason to believe that this could point to more charges being filed against Hunter Biden. At this point, Weiss would only need special counsel privileges if he planned on filing in districts outside of Delaware. He had been rebuffed in the past by U.S. Attorneys in Washington, D.C. and California. With the elevation to special counsel status, Weiss does not need permission and could presumably bring a host of charges related to taxes and FARA violations in various jurisdictions.

With that said, there is speculation, founded in the DoJ’s past behavior, that the reason for this appointment could be more nefarious. Namely, Weiss’ elevation to special counsel insulates him from oversight measures taken by Congress. House Republicans had recently started lobbying to subpoena Weiss in a bid to get him to answer questions about how the Hunter Biden case has been handled. 

Shortly after the press conference, the DoJ filed a motion to dismiss the tax charges currently pending in Delaware against Hunter Biden. The motion states that the reason the information was filed in Delaware was because Hunter agreed to waive any challenge to venue and plead guilty in Delaware, but that plea agreement went tits up during the July court appearance and the parties have not been able to come to an agreement since. It is expected that the charges will be refiled in California.

That filing all but kills the plea deal. It’s looking like Hunter is headed to trial on those charges.