Siesta translated

Having packed her right tight with waffles I made with her waffle iron, built in the late 40’s she’s sleeping them off =

The behave part:

With Archimede mind

I could go off on a tangent


Don’t those assholes have anything better to do besides finding new and exciting ways to kill people, practice makes perfect right.

Fuck that, it’s Friday

I gotta explain something, one thing yoopers don’t like to do is to explain stuff, in this instance it’s needed.

Beware of destination addition

The idea that Happiness is in the next place, the next job or even the next sex partner

Until one gives up the idea that Happiness is somewhere else it’ll never be where one is at.

Damn good thing I’m here to explain stuff.

fun 🙂

Having finishing up with the magic box.

And having to toss a pound over the fence ( barter deployed ), I will have plenty to ingage the heart valves and blood vessels. The whole idea of the bacon is to keep a 100 year old heart doing it’s thing. I go back in and she’s listening to some romance audio book… Ma! I got a question “what now”

Ma, has your mouth ever been so happy you had a gasm, you know, a mouth gasm.

” what the hell did you just say?”.

You know, a burst of happiness in your mouth to where you drool & look like a mess. ” If I could see you, Iknock next Tuesday for talking like that”. My plan working, her blood is not boiling just hot how do I know this?

“Get outside enough of this rubbish” I found that to be rather funny aa, that’s exactly what think about those romance audio books… rubbish!


All I’m making is Bacon swizzle sticks dipped in chocolate

Sips coffee outside looking at fog bank

Yaknow Chance, the only difference between a flower and a weed is judgement

Sips coffee, you’re right Chance