Some Sun and coffee, with Peace and quiet

Now fellas, I can understand why you may be thinking

Woman, it’s the weekend, free the boobs, your bra probably needs a washing anyways

Took a nana second to see the woman, it was the trailer that caught my eye, was a Armyguy who lived in one of those down the road a ways just past the Au Train, he was known as the Rifleman, walked everywhere with a Winchester rifle. Was a bar/restaurant about a mile from his trailer, they’ed let him shower once a week in there. Some down staters was in there, heard they gave him a hard time about looking like a bum, he didn’t hurt anyone, just shot the place up some. Never did hear what happened to him after that.

Was just someone who turned his back on society.

Am I right fellas, when words fail, there’s always music

Of course there are time when words fail at first then the shock and wtf start in

If you ever get up this way, thing about the Au Train river, you junp in there, it’s only waist deep, sandy buttom, gazillions of minnows will nibble off all your dead skin better than any luffa pad thingys the ladies use.