Two Chinese Spies Just Got Caught Serving in the U.S. Navy

Li Xueren/Xinhua via AP

Katie Pavlich | Townhall

Two members of the U.S. Navy, both naturalized citizens from China, were arrested this week after spying on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party. 

U.S. Navy sailor Jinchao Wei and U.S. Navy service member Petty Officer Wenheng Zhao have been charged with a series of federal crimes after transmitting classified information about U.S. military operations and equipment to China. 

“According to the indictment, in February 2022, Wei began communicating with an intelligence officer from the PRC who requested that Wei provide information about the U.S.S. Essex and other Navy ships. Specifically, the Chinese intelligence officer tasked Wei with passing him photos, videos and documents concerning U.S. Navy ships and their systems. The two agreed to hide their communications by deleting records of their conversations and using encrypted methods of communication,” DOJ released. “At the request of the intelligence officer, between March 2022 and the present, Wei sent photographs and videos of the Essex, disclosed the locations of various Navy ships and described defensive weapons of the Essex. In exchange for this information, the intelligence officer paid Wei thousands of dollars over the course of the conspiracy.”

“The indictment further alleges that in June 2022, Wei sent the intelligence officer approximately 30 technical and mechanical manuals. These manuals contained export control warnings and detailed the operations of multiple systems aboard the Essex and similar ships, including power, steering, aircraft and deck elevators, as well as damage and casualty controls. The intelligence officer confirmed with Wei that at least 10 of those manuals were useful to him. For passage of those materials, the indictment alleges that Wei was paid $5,000,” DOJ continued. 

In exchange for bribes, Zhao handed over U.S. military exercise plans (which are useful for war planning) and other sensitive material to the Chinese government. 

“Zhao allegedly sent the Chinese military officer non-public and controlled operational plans for a large-scale U.S. military exercise in the Indo-Pacific Region, which detailed the specific location and timing of Naval force movements, amphibious landings, maritime operations and logistics support,” DOJ revealed. “The indictment further alleges that in exchange for bribes, Zhao also photographed electrical diagrams and blueprints for a radar system stationed on a U.S. military base in Okinawa, Japan.”

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