I need a postie note

No no no, not to remind myself while in the kitchen, like what the hell, am I leaving or did I just come in here for something. A note to remind myself to clean out the memory library. She’s sleepin off breakfast, Ratdog is content, curled up under the clock.

Was thinking back when I was called disturbed. Only reason I think they chose that word was because they don’t Marine Corps history, it was there a choice had to be made. For those who don’t know Marine Corps history, I’ll share the 2 BADASSES I was to choose from:

Dan took out about 200 bad guys with a machine gun

Boxer Rebellion

So my choices were a machine gun or a sword. At first I chose the machine gun, then I used the machete to kill Barney

What made that purple commieratbastard come to mind?

I not the disturbed one here sunshine

yaknow, today is a great day to be grateful, greatful what one might ask, thats a fair question, I’m greatful for not being abrainwashed anti-American liberal piece of shit.


Being a news junkie isn’t healthy for you, I know, I used to be one

Very few remakes are worth thier salt, they did real good with this one