Just one word… just one

Fast freddy stop by, came to see mother and mooch a coffee, more of the latter than the former, looks at me, looks at my apron, looks me, one word freddy, just one, I’ll knock you into next Tuesday,

” what are you boys doin out there?”, nothin ma. Freddy, don’t your wifey make you cookies? She makes cookies sure, last time I tried to get one she slapped my hand saying those are for the funeral, whoose funeral, Yours if you touch my cookies. That’s a hard woman right there freddy.

“So what ya kind you make”

There’s only one kind I like MAN cookies

Don’t touch that, ” what the hell you use that for”. Normally for mixing leather dyes, I brought one in the other day and Ratdog took off for the hills, was hiding all day, ma asked if I seen him because he’s been very quiet, not seen hide nor ma, ya know freddy, I just might found a cure for Ratdog, I’ll show it to him when he wants something. Ohh I got something for ya right, come here. ” the music stopped” I’m on it ma. ” Chance, you know your music” Look at her foot Freddy, it’s tapping to the beat.

Chance I gotta go, can I have that last cookie? Freddy, I’ll call your wifey and tell her about Tuesday, ” I’m goin I’m goin”