Odds and Ends

Today is an odd day. There are a ton of news items today, but none that are grabbing my interest much past the headlines. So, here are a few of the items, links to the stories and a bit of commentary from yours truly.

First up we have the Ray Epps charge. Yes, that’s the singular ‘charge’, because he only caught a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct. Yah, you read that right; one misdemeanor charge of DisCon. If this dude glowed any brighter he’d outshine the Sun. You can read more about that here and here.

Our Neighbors to the North have gotten themselves in a spat with India after accusing the Modi-led government of killing a prominent Sikh activist in Canada. Hardeep Singh Nijjar, 45, was shot to death in British Columbia in June. India responded to the accusations by expelling a high ranking Canadian diplomat. Read more about it Here, Here and Here

Tensions are rising in the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Karabakh is internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory but part of it is run by separatist Armenian authorities who say the area is their ancestral homeland. The region has been at the center of two wars – the latest in 2020 – since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union. The Azeri government has been shelling targets in the region for several days. They claim they are targeting terrorists. Read more Here.

POTATUS addressed the UN General Assembly today. It went about as well as you would expect. Watch: