Today’s Forecast

Never really considered the side effects of caregiving, it’s really a small matter. So far you’ve gotten a taste of what’s it like for me going outside, well come-on in. Opens the curtains, ” what it like out there?”. Well ma, it’s raining sideways, looks to be about 3/4 footers on the water and the gauge says 48 degrees. ” Winter isn’t to far off then, G’damn winter, comes early, stays to long”. I know ma, careful, it’s a coffee. Ma, now that the weathers changed, can you atleast wear a nightgown?, ” I’m comfortable just as I am, it’s my G’damn house I’ll wear want I want”.]

Sipping a coffee with her, a thought occurred to me, you go places like in a business and there’s people wearing sunglasses, always thought that was a bit different, sipping coffee, maybe those people have a mother wearing nothing but her underwear like I do, adjusts my sunglasses. Ma, did dad see you in your underwear, “all the time before you kids came along”. Ma, you ever thought maybe the reason we kids came along was because you were in your underwear in front of dad?

” ohh hush”

She’s sitting there eating an egg on toast, nothing on but her underwear, not a care in the world. What did you just say ma? Something else I noticed watching her, she taught us kids not to talk with food in the mouth, so what she doing, talking with a mouth full of food. Sipping coffee then says” If I was to give advice to a bride to be, I’d tell her, everyday dishs gets used so much more than the good china”.

I’m rubbing my eyes under my sunglasses.

Well ma, atleast you were wearing a nightgown went you went to jail for shooting that deer,

” I didn’t shoot that deer your brother did”

I know ma, I know.

I wonder if they make ringers for dogs, you know the kind sailors use aboard ship to wring out the mops, Ratdog could use one of those, 2 bath towels, he’s special, we only got one each for the week. All her objectives have been met, one goal, one goal only, With the grace of God, it’ll happen on my watch.