
Why Conan’s dad came to mind, don’t know, just did

When a Cimmerian feels thirst, it is a thirst for blood. When he feels cold, it is the cold edge of steel. For the courage of a Cimmerian is tempered: he neither fears death or looks for it. To be a Cimmerian warrior, you must have both cunning and balance as well as speed and strength.

This is gonna go, the way it goes.

Sitting at the kitchen table, I’ve watched the chairs empty, he always sat at the head of the table, ma to his left, I wasn’t the oldest, nor the youngest, he had me at his right. When he went on ahead, ma sat at the head, now, I sit there going through papers and things.

I’d show you what fog looks likes at 4 am, no use doing that.

I was asked ” how you doin?”.

When I know that, you’ll know

A few ways of seeing this:

Face expressions

“I found her in the woods & I’m keeping her”

” I’m ok with that”

Unintended Consequences

Not sure why it is, females with straight hair want curly hair, and those with curly hair want straight hair, it’s just one of those things that never change. Lil sis was in 3rd grade, night before school pictures, ma curled lil sis’s hair the night before. About an half hour before it was her turn for picture taking, some other girls held her down, cut all the curls in back down to the scalp telling her she’s not white.

Dad didn’t own a car ma did, he did own a horse

Chief Dan George comes to mind

” I didn’t surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender”

Thinking dad got in there and surrendered.

Bloodline: I’ve been shipping some items out of great importance, this lady who I call Mamma bear, why?, well her and her husband bear hunt every year. ” you’ve been sending out packages a lot lately” I’ve have a list of instructions to follow, ” where this time?”, New Mexico. Mama bear, thinking ma would like you to have this, dad trapped all the fishers, took a while to make, take care of it for her. Ohh yea, if your hubby asks what swinging dick gave you a Stolle, flash your boobs at him, boobs are magic.

Big laughter, “I will!”.

Having salt & pepper shakers on the table, it’s a normal item, he was always doin something to cause her to smile, went out back, found a stick hollowed them out added holes and corks

not to be out done, she got him some of his own.

I have someone coming up next week from the Cumberland Gap area of Kentucky, they will be collecting papers and some items from the 1800’s.

The Cherokee Nation was dispersed greatly, they can be found almost world wide. Never losing their customs and traditions no matter the odds. These documents will be handed down once again for safe keeping and taken care of… added too.

One could say, ma was a Cherokee Hillbilly, I’d be ok with that.

The 2nd Amendment;

Clarence, was a classmate of hers. 3 went to the Pacific, all 3 died, Clarence was buried at sea she was told, thinking she may have dated him at one time for having his picture still.

Last time this was fired, she was 78 years young, lil sis came into hunting camp carrying ma, her shoulder broke.

Being a Cherokee Hillbilly, she was no stranger to firearms

I can hear her right now

” you have paperwork on that?”

yes, yes I do, as she’s sitting on the front porch

I can see the bolt action from where I sit

Have I lost my marbles, no and I got proof. I was in the garage, far in the back just looking at things, there in the corner with some old car plates on top, 2 metal milk buckets, full of marbles.

What the hell…


Big Pharma

we got along just fine without big pharma back then, and we’ll do it again if need be

Ever been in the middle of a shitshow, and a smile finds your face, a situation similar to that had occured. A friend was over, got on thier phone, went on that Esty site found a picture , under it it said in red type

“rare find”

Bullshit I said, it’s right there on the wall

How do I feel, I don’t how I’m suppose to feel, I have instructions to carry out, I know this, I won’t bring shame into my father’s house or my mother’s home by failing to do the task she entrusted me with, maybe after I’ll know.

I’ve read all your kind words , more than once,

mother’s kitchen was always so clean, of late I’ve noticed the dust, lots of dust in the kitchen