It’s Saturday night, this isn’t the Post

With War and rumors of War, chaos everywhere, The devil is on lose, that’s for sure. Time to catch your breath, well… kinda sorta and somewhat.

This actually started about a year after she broke her shoulder, hunting season was coming up. She wanted to go. Ma, raise 30.30. She tried, she just couldn’t set proper in the shoulder. She wasn’t bummed, she was pissed right off. Thinking fast, Ma, I have an idea. ” You and your G’damn ideas, what is it?”. You come long to camp, but you have to stay in, no bringing wood no nothing, lil sis and I will go out. Ma, that’s not my idea, while at camp, why not write your story. ” She looked at me, ” I’ll think about it”. Ma, when youre done, I get to read it, was my idea after all, I do know much of it. ” Yeah well you don’t know all of it, and you can read when I’m gone. Sis got 8 pointer that year, I never heard the end of it.

What follows is some of it, she wrote down then type out 135 pages, I’ve covered some stuff to protect the innocent. People go through someone’s stuff after they were called home, looking for money or jewels, not me, I’ve been looking for this, knowing it’s in here somewhere, I found it, I couldn’t believe where she stashed it. I can see her face when stashing it knowing how I view Harlequin

If not in the proper order pay no mind to that part, there is something in her story besides Uncle Vernon

when you can do it yourself, why pay others to do your work.

Stuff that worked that can come in use down the road

there’s no place go, this is it

The Ojibwe are known as the ” Good people”, when dad spotted her in the spring bent over picking morels ( I know the story)maybe he was thinking he needed some excitement in his life, remember, when one marries, they just not marrying the girl, they be marrying the clan LOL.

I’m looking at thier wedding picture, dad in his regalia, ma in her beautiful dress handmade, the look on his face like… what the hell did I get myself into.

Love of family on display