Hey AOC, There Is No Moral Equivalency Between Hamas and Israel

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit RABBI MICHAEL BARCLAY | PJ Media (This column is Part 2 of a…

Welcome to Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea With Yes, we skipped Monday. We’ve designated it as an…

this day over yet because it needs to be

This am, outside hearing the lake, cannot see it because the sun hasn’t risen yet, come…

Gun Review: Sig Cross

Occasionally your editor runs across a firearm he feels compelled to write about. You can read…

there’s no explaining the Maki boys

Hold on, I need a coffee, it’s like 28 degrees out here. Looking at the lake,…

There Is No Such Thing As ‘Palestinians’

AP Photo/Fatima Shbair  RABBI MICHAEL BARCLAY | PJ Media (This column is Part 1 of a…

In The Terror Attack,…

In The Terrorist Attack, The Jewish Future And The Jewish Past Come Together From: American Thinker…

Scripture Sunday

Today the scripture is an entreaty, from Jewish Scripture, for protection. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/6440/jewish/Chapter-140.htm Chapter 140 Translated by:…

Forget plan A, Straight to plan B

I’ll get to the posted picture soon enough. Ever wake up with a choice, like should…

They’re Not

.Reposted from another site because it’s spot on 👍 They’re not happy in Gaza ..They’re not…