Palate Cleansers

Your intrepid editor has to take a break. The current news cycle has him questioning a lot of things. So in an attempt to mitigate some of the mental damage he’s incurred/caused over the past few days here are a couple of lighter news stories.

Let’s kick this off in Texas, where an angler caught the pending world record alligator gar.

Art Weston, a Kentucky resident, went to East Texas to catch the alligator gar with the help of an expert guide and fisherman, Captain Kirk Kirkland. The two were fishing on Sam Rayburn when they hooked into the 283 pound monster. They fought the 100″ long and 48″ around fish for 2 hours and 45 minutes. Read more here.

Fat Bear Week is over, a champion has been crowned. Bear 128 ‘Grazer’ has been voted the fattest bear at Brooks river in Katmai National Park. Her competitor in the finals, bear 32 ‘Chunk’ got 23,134 votes to Grazer’s 108,321. This is Grazer’s first win in the Fat Bear Week competition.

L, Bear 32 ‘Chunk’, R, Bear 128 ‘Grazer’

Grazer was the choice for our own Rogue Unicorn. This editor wanted to see 747 repeat, however 747 lost to Grazer in the 2nd round.

There’s some good news and bad news coming out of the Hockey world. For those who don’t know, this editor is a big Hockey fan and played at a relatively high level in his youth. First the good news:

Last season, several high profile NHL players refused to wear pride themed gear. In response, the league banned pride themed sweaters in June and now stick tape. The meltdown from the tolerant left has been glorious.

Now onto the bad news, Barry Melrose has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and will be stepping away from his position as a Hockey analyst for ESPN.

Melrose was a player and coach in both the minors and the NHL. As a coach he won the Calder Cup, the AHL championship trophy with the Adirondack Redwings and led the LA Kings to the Lord Stanley’s cup finals in 1993.

In other sports news, the Baseball playoffs are in full swing. As this editor’s lifelong favorite team, the New York Yankees are not in the post season, I haven’t followed all that closely. Not having a dog in the fight, this editor is only rooting for one thing: Houston losing. That said, the Orioles got swept by the Rangers and LA looks like they’re gonna be swept by the Diamondbacks.

It seems there was a Bigfoot sighting in Colorado. I dunno though, what do y’all think?

Full disclosure: this editor had his own Bigfoot sighting and was a member of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society.