Ratdog, let’s go

Figured I’d treat myself to some extra octane. just so yaknow, there’s no chicklets in those MRE’s

Made like a booster seat for mophead in the truck, thinks he’s the Big cheese now, he can see out the window. Stopped at the dog barberette place, told Mary, Ratdog is looking like a longhaired doping smoking maggot, end the month best she do. That’s fine, It’s then I got a idea, she’s one of those anti-fur types, it’s already a bit nippley out there, ratgod with no coat he’ll just shiver. Seeing how he likes my fur cap, I’ll make him a fur jacket, that’ll set Mary off.


Cheap entertainment 🙂

How you treat a dumb animal, is how you should treated, something dad talked about it.

Got out to my place, climate change everywhere. Ratdog isn’t use to being this far out, he stuck pretty close to me. Smells of the wild is far different then cement.

Ratdog, stay in the shack, I’m taking a walk, switched the trail cam batteries, back inside, ratdog, she’s to big for you (smiles).

With Lisa next door and the village about a half click away, I’m not use so much hustle & bustle. Looking at Radog, he’s trying to get under the couch, wth dog, those won’t hurt you, must have gotten scared by the mounts. Some people have trophies on the wall, I don’t.

Sorry Brother for killing you, I honor you Courage, your Cunning and your Stealth, thank you for another day of Life, when my life ends, I’ll return to the good earth and nourish the life forms that follow mine.

Having to pull him out, back in truck, he was happy. Ever get something in your craw and it tugs at ya, thinking that’s why a ride was needed.

Driving more down the road over that way, I went to the old homestead, it’s where the sugar shack is, never mind about that, just think in terms of SHTF, you be fine. Sitting under those apple trees like so many times before

Truck pulled in, It was Mark, Holy shit eh Chance, wasn’t expecting you, handshake. I seen a truck pull in didn’t know who the hell it was, thought I’d come over, You’re good neighbor Mark. Chance you still trapping? Not of late, like to, why what ya have?. Spotted a Bobcat over by my pumphouse couple nights back, the wolves are bad enough, now this. You take Shelby in at night yes? Hell ya. Tell ya what Mark, I have stuff to take care at mother’s home and I’ll be out. Mark, Dogs don’t climb, cats do, I’ll take care of it.

You baking Chance? hell no, figure I’d grab a half bushel for Armydog, his wifey is the baker, I might get get a pie out of this. Off he went, come Radog, time to go. Something told to us boys a long time ago. Take care of the Land, the land will take care of you

Sipping a coffee on the road… ya, if the Warmongers don’t Burn the land or boil the sea