there’s no explaining the Maki boys

Hold on, I need a coffee, it’s like 28 degrees out here. Looking at the lake, many thoughts, I’ll share just a couple so you don’t run for the medications.

Here’s one

The Crusades, no one reads that stuff anymore, those happened a thousand years ago. The Old City has changed hands many times, one could view Jerusalem as an outpost of Christianity today. Islam cannot have that. If one is taught Hate from birth, that’s all they know, that is their truth, there is no changing it. sips coffee.

What a concept

Be nice get nice

Picking apples with no guarantee I’d get a pie, my confidence was high

Those in GAZA just don’t understand that simple concept because they live to Hate, I guess they prefer to dance, so be it.

sips coffee

Found a couple mag pouches in the basement, Korea era, eh! I can put these to use. Got some sewing elastic pinned together, Ratdog, now you can carry your own scooby snacks. After I secured them under his belly, he looked me and laid down. What a sad sac that dog is. Ratdog, look at me when I’m talking to you, wasn’t happening, he assumed the postion, his favorite one. Grabbed a bear fur in the basement, thinking he’s gonna need fur after tomarrow, make him look like bear cub.

Getting him cleaned up only to apply new fur, he’s gonna think real highly me, like I’m nutz or something.

Sips coffee

Coming back from getting my pie 🙂 I spotted one of the Maki boys taking the dirt road behind the gas station, ” well that’s something new, I best go check this out.

Some background on the boys, you see one, the other isn’t far away. Thier grampa built 2 barns, side by side. Those boys operate a traveling sawmill. Outside of those barns look like a ongoing rummage sale, the inside, one is all knotty white pine, the other is all cedar, beautiful craftsmanship. You want woodwork done, go see the Maki boys. With the auto workers strike, the Maki boy don’t care, What caught my eye was the newest installment on thier plow truck.

Sewer pipe

Looks ain’t everything, it’s performance that counts, just ask the Maki boys, they’ll tell ya.

Winter is coming

Sips coffee

3 kinds of people in this world, one half just wants to kill the other half, there’s one half that just wants fuck the other half, reference liberals, think with thier rotted crotches, and then that bunch, that just wants to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit. Bothering no one, going about thier business.

Coffee gotten cold

Cold can be in seen in another light, with the border wide open how cold can you get…