this day over yet because it needs to be

This am, outside hearing the lake, cannot see it because the sun hasn’t risen yet, come to think about it, haven’t seen the damn thing going for days, wind, cloudy and rain with low temps. Sipping coffee a song came to mind, a bob segar song.

Up with the sun, gone with the wind
She always said I was lazy

Went inside to reread her will, you know just to sure I read it correctly. “Every Monday, baby carrots must be boiled soft so the dog can eat them”, No shit, it’s in the will. So I’m boiling carrots for the dog with no teeth. Then you all wonder I drink coffee to calm down, with instructions like that, you’d be drinking coffee to.

About Ratdog’s name

I’ve mentioned before ole Pete, you know, the Italiano who speaks perfect Finnish, he probably learnt it down around the Champion way, lots of Finnish girls there, round as jackpine stumps they are.


Warmth in the winter, shade in the summer

Anyways, Ole Pete said he looked up the dog’s name Bandit in Mexicano, SHITHEAD so that’s what Ole calls him when he comes around, only time shithead gets coffee is when ole Pete gives it to him, me, I ain’t sharing my coffee with anyone named shithead be them man or beast.

If the world is gonna blow it self up, well I cannot stop it, I have stuff I gotta do, I don’t have time that shit, speaking of shit. That G’damn Yogi, another one I’ve mentioned, hold on I need a coffee. DNR moves him “HOURS away, which Yogi translates:

in the words of my generation UP YOURS!!

How do I know it was Yogi, he’s the only I know with 3 paws

As cub he was bounced on the road, lost a paw, he doesn’t destroy stuff, just shits in my yard man.

This time of year, ya gotta check the cams in mother nature’s pantry, never know what High speed beef will be in the area, this ain’t Texas, Got a report the other day, dead pigs all over the road. Told him, hea man grab me some teeth will ya. I don’t know what’s worse, G’damn songdogs or Lisa, both yapping all the time. Had chickens at one time, got tired protecting them so I ate them, the fence still there.

Speaking of Lisa, who by the fence when I got back, Lisa, ” Chance”, what now

“when you going to rake your leaves?”. Lisa, you a Christian? ” I am, I try to be a good one” With 5 kids, doing your part huh “She just looked at me. Lisa, God put them there, He can take His time to remove them, I DON”T RAKE LEAVES. I’m going in. Right to basement, you’ve heard the fidge down there fire up, she purrs after minute or so, eh, deer season is coming around I don’t like to rushed, get stuff squared away right away. It was a struggle at first just getting to the fridge, it’s behind the bar, ma buried the bar with Christmas stuff, in front, on it, and behind it.

Was her favorite time of year.

I haven’t been overwhelmed yet, I’ll tell ya soon enough. First, ya gotta read the want ads, just never know what may catch your eye.

Someone told me, my coffee cup was a bit aggressive, told them I’ll take it under advisement. It’s then I remembered, every gathering in the basement bar, ma would sit on dad’s lap, his left hand around her waist, the other with a firm grip on his mug. Believe you me, I knew about beer, years before I even heard of Mother’s milk, Ladies, ma didn’t have a problem with dad’s beer mug, so you shouldn’t either 🙂

I got me a less aggressive coffee mug