Lisa next door is gonna find out just like that deer at 4Am, take me outta woods, you ain’t taking the woods outta me. When she comes by the fence asking ” what you doin chance?”. I’m building a berm. “What’s a berm?”. Well Lisa it’s a backstop for the 2nd Amendment. I can hear her now, ” you can’t be shooting guns here!”. The hell I cannot, that sign down the road about a 1/4 click says ” NO discharge of firearms with-in the village limits”, Lisa, do you live in the village,?, “no” well neither do I.

Hold on, ratdog needs to relieve himself, I need a coffee… G’damn dog, for a mophead, he’s pisses like a racehorse, hurry up already, it’s 30 degrees out here.
Granted, living on a peninsula, located on a peninsula, one tends to see things differently, not wrong, just different. Lisa is different, but then she’s from Ohio, what does know, not much. Harlequin, there will come a time when this house is Harlequin free, I’ll tell ya right now, today is not that day. Coffee.
Now, I’m venturing off into the weeds here, more like a mental observation that’ll scar me for the rest of days, she had the Centurian gene which I probably have now, translated, I’ll be scarred a long time. as kid, none of us were allowed in their bedroom for any reason . I went there,.. I won’t pretend I know anything about a Woman’s thought processes, best I can do is uninformed guesses which probably gets me in the bottom of the tool chest.
I’ll explain:
I think reading all those Harlequin books effected her mind, or gave her ideas, such as

Stick with me here, we’ll get through this together. I came close to using the Lord’s name in vain, I didn’t, but I wanted in the worst way. Keeping Harlequin in mind, sometime in her 70’s, started to watch rodeo on her teevee, I’m talking like she was glued watching it, while in her room it’s then the thought came to mind
” I’m gonna ride him like a bull”
and you he was perfectly fine with it

I try to not wonder to much, I did wonder if watching rodeo reminded her of such things. I got the hell outta there, it was like invading a Woman’s private most inner sanctum. I’ll be ready next time, I’ll be wearing black nitro gloves and my sunnies, probably won’t help but it’ll make feel better, I got feels.
want proof?
Some of her favorite sayings :
Datlight in the swamp
Yeal well
I dout this was a favorite, was said many times
After the accident, only 2 boys were alowed on the boat, we took tuns
no girls ever again
” Chance you see the boat?”.

not yet ma

For someone who hated water, she married a fisherman, lived on the shore of Gitchi-Gumi ( big water) I’ll never understand a Woman’s heart, maybe I’m not suppose to