
I needed break, finding boxes of white candles, not talking those packages you get 2/4 candles per box, I’m talking about 5 cases that contain packages of 4 each, 24 packages per case. Was she a prepper, let’s just say, she been there, done that, knew all about hard living. Thinking she could have made Patton’s 5th Army warm and cozy with a full belly. I checked the email at 5:30am, what’s this. A picture from a former E-5, with a note. “Chance, I was up by Mac city bailing out a friend thought you’d like a picture of the bridge”.

I figured some tit for tat was in order.

Got a coffee


I know you’re trying to get under my skin, ruffle my feathers, that wasn’t your best, try again, I got faith in you man, don’t let down.

Back in 21 I was under that monstrosity.

Wanna know what I thinking Trollman, The good Judge came to mind

“The best thing that could happen to the U.P. would be for someone to bomb the bridge”.
—John Voelker, former Michigan Supreme Court Justice  and Yooper

He wasn’t wrong Trollman

nothing but trouble down there, just look at those clowns in lansing for proof.

Break time over


Hey mister, you have a light?

Believe you me

There’s a difference between a package and a case, that’s a package, 8 cases of matches, well one thing is for sure, I won’t be needing to look for sulfur. it’s Atomic number is 16, ok ok, so I like chemistry