Chesty, he’s Ratdog’s spirit human
I don’t know what the other branches are like, I can only relate to experience. When one sits in the chair, a thought comes to mind, as in wtf did I do to myself this time.

Ratdog came back, he’s not himself, he’s different. Don’t know if you know so tell ya, Women are on thier own time. Example, how long does it take to fix the G’damn hair before going on a fishing date. And sometimes, they just don’t listen, it’s aggravating. With cold weather setting in, I gave orders only bath and clean up his face and spruce him up a little. She turned him Gey-ish…. looking.

I called her this AM, Char, what hell did do to the ratdog? ” what you mean, he’s a cutie now” Char, that dog is 14 years of age, winter is coming, I noticed you left a nick by his privates. “He was shaking” Char, I’d be shaking to if you were by my privates. Hung the phone up. Now I have dog running up the electric bill. I don’t care about that, he was entrusted to me. The constant licking of his privates were the nick is, he’s trying to heal himself, I understand that, It’s just damn dog, putting your 2 heads together, no reason for him to leave the house.

Here’s a little something
“your mother don’t need to know everything”
A different time, a different place
There’s a difference between running and rejection, Butch stopped over, not seen him in awhile, before you leave you’ll be laughing.
I knew another “Butch”

A man can do many things in life, fall in love, marry, be blessed with children, work his ass off building a life worth living,
He’ll never forget that rifle
no matter his time in uniform