BRI – Belt & Road Initiative

Since 2013, when it was launched by President Xi Jinping in Kazakhstan and Jakarta, the Belt…

Toldja Ratdog

It’ll be ok just different, sitting outside seeing the moonrise, the ratdog enjoying a buffy burger…

Welcome to Thursday, November 30, 2023 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea With

I Didn’t Have This on My Bingo Card

Although, I shouldn’t be surprised. As Barry said, you should never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck…

Welcome to Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea With When you want to help people, you tell them…

2 Legs or four

What G’damn difference does it make eh Canada! Unlike in the South where remnants can be…

Welcome to Tuesday, November 28, 2023 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea With Facts are not liberals’ strong suit. Rhetoric is. Thomas…

Gun Review: Winchester Wildcat

I teased the review of a new-ish Winchester rimfire rifle, the Wildcat the other day. Well,…

Welcome to Monday, November 27, 2023 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea With If people in the media cannot decide whether they…

Upland Small Game: A Primer

Depending on where you live, small game seasons are starting to or already have opened. So,…