What G’damn difference does it make eh Canada!
Unlike in the South where remnants can be found, there’s reason why no dinos can be found around here.

because we ate them is why

With the U.N. going after the farmers meat will be highly sought after, well low and behold, God found a way to out fuck the fucking fuckers and sustain his people known as yoopers.
One thing is for sure, I’ll be needing a bigger smoker, no more asking Johney to bring back some tusks from down around Brownsville, he likes to fish the channels there. Wanna know why I’m not in charge, well I’ll tell ya, first I gotta raise morale, what better way then to round up about 10,000 super pigs, transport them to the Big Apple, pigs like apples, set them loose at the U.N. headquarters. Ohh yea the newsman/woman/thing would using all kinds of dirty 1st Amendment words screaming for the 2nd to be deployed. People living on top of each other, you’d think they really like each other, that’s the case, living asshole to bellybutton drives them insane, tossing in some superpigs woud no dout cause cheap humor and lots of laughter, well, least for me it would. but that’s just me, it’s how I operate.
600 pounders, at that size, we could feed the whole state of Wisconsin and still have plenty to trade with the trolls below the bridge. 2nd thought, they way they treat us up here, a line came to mind
” who runs Bartertown!’.