Don’t know if you know this, so I’ll tell ya

Marines love cake! Happy Birthday Brothers & Sisters!

And another thing

cussing is like a second langauge

You squint? Let me see your squint

fuck that nonsense

Not long ago, was sitting across from my 3rd cousin, (through marriage), said these references won’t work, wthell you talking about. ” Who are these people?”. they are mostly all Vets, all branches they hangout on the Milvets. ” What’s Mlivets?”. So my 3rd cousin (though marriage) declined my loan application, gee thanks you useless fucks.

A little closer to home, she would have been 101years young today.

Armydog called, says hold on, then I hear ” hey hun, can you go outside for a minute” he doesn’t swear in front of his wifey. ” Chance you still on the phone?”. yeah… ” Happy Birthday you fucker” Thanks dog