Hurry up & wait mode

Sips coffee, more like chomping at the bit for today’s excitement, until then I some time to spend sorta and somewhat.

Let’s see if you’re more like me than not, like music, I like music

Some people have ( throws ) on the back of couches, like a small blanket, I don’t, I got the fur of former animals, with Ratdog as proof, I like some animals more than others, I betcha you’re just like that yourself. And another thing

dogs belong on couches, not chains.

See, we’re not so different.

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I can hear the conversation already

“what the hell are you doing”

Screw Peter at the water bill company Paul is raising prices on ammo the bastard

I was baking some Bacon and I remembered I once put out add .

Wanted: Woman who can chew hide, sew, clean fish and know gun oil , I got one response from the Marand area, that’s over there by the Soo. ” I can cook” she was what I classified as an instant scratch-off. One and done, no more adds.

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A note from my toolbox came to mind

why, don’t know just did

nothing was given to me, earn it, take care of things you have

Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.

Met a woman in a Piggy Wiggley store down in cheeseland, she asked me if the chicken in the can was any good, Mam, there’s no chicken in that can, that’s Crisco, used for frying chicken. Never forgotten her.

John Prime was right

“One day you’re up, the next day you’re down, that really is the way the world goes round”

I should pick up the game of golf, doesn’t look to hard to learn