It’ll be ok, just different

It’s something I find myself repeating, I don’t like to repeat myself, there’s an exception to just about everything. Ole Ratdog knows his road, starts in getting all kinds of excited when I pull in her drive. Open the door, he goes room to room still looking for his friend, after 10 minutes or so, lays down and whimpers. Get back in the truck, he looks at the house until he cannot see it. Odd situation I find myself in. Being older doggo, beginning to wonder if he’ll just go over the Rainbow bridge because of a saddened heart.

He’s stopped trembling inside at my place so that’s a positive and he likes bacon. Took a walk early the am, with Ratdog on my lap, some music is needed to see who’s been tresspassing.

I look at the headlines, the world has gotten mean, it’s gotten ugly, I really don’ want many part of it,out here I don’t find loneliness, I find solitude.

Am I rich? That depends on your definition of rich.

I do count my blessings

that I do